- Müller, George
- ( 1805-1898 )influential leader of the Plymouth BrethrenGeorge Müller, whose example of living by faith became an inspiration to many across denominational lines, was born at Kroppenstaedt, Prussia, on September 27, 1805. As a young man, he attended the University of Halle, the center of German Pietism, where he was converted to an active faith. He went to England to work with the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, but became involved with the emerging Plymouth Brethren movement. He resigned from his work in Jewish missions and became a Brethren pastor in Teignmouth.While at Teignmouth, Müller decided that he should not accept a salary but simply rely upon what God supplied through unsolicited freewill offerings. His life became legendary for the seemingly miraculously appearance of support in times of need. He moved to Bristol in 1832 to become pastor of Bethesda chapel. Two years later, he founded the scriptural Knowledge institution for Home and Abroad, which built day schools, Sunday schools, and other educational facilities and supported missionary activity. inspired by the example of Pietist leader A. H. Francke (1663-1727), Müller also founded the Bristol orphanage Mission Work.During his years at Bristol, Müller became quite famous in British Protestant circles. His church grew to more than 1,200 members, and several books were published by and about him. His story inspired many people to copy his pattern of living by faith. J. Hudson Taylor later built the China Inland Mission on Müller's principles. At the age of 70, Müller turned over his affairs to his son-in-law and for the next 17 years made international missionary tours, on which he visited some 42 countries.He died in Bristol on March 10, 1898.Further reading:■ George Müller, Answers to Prayer (Chicago: Moody Press, 1984); , Autobiography of George Müller, or A Million and Half in Answer to Prayer (London: Nisbet, 1905)■ Mrs. George Müller, Preaching Tours and Missionary Labours of George Müller (of Bristol) (London: Nisbet, 1889)■ A. T. Pier-son, George Mueller of Bristol and His Witness to a Prayer-Hearing God (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1899).
Encyclopedia of Protestantism. Gordon Melton. 2005.