Murray, Andrew

Murray, Andrew
(18 2 8-1917)
   African educator, writer, and missionary supporter
   Andrew Murray was born in Graaff-Reinet, South Africa, on May 9, 1828. His father, a Scotsman, was a minister in the Dutch Reformed Church. Sent to England to attend school at the age of 10, he completed college in Scotland and pursued further work in theology and the Dutch language at Utrecht University in Holland. He was ordained at The Hague in 1848, then returned to South Africa. He served as pastor in Bloemfontein, Worcester, Cape Town, and finally Wellington, where he remained for 35 years.
   Murray was cofounder of the University College of the Orange Free States (1856), the Stellenbosch Theological Seminary (1857), the Huguenot Seminary (for French-speaking Reformed pastors, 1874), and the Wellington Missionary Training Institute (1877). He also cofounded the South Africa General Mission (now the Africa Evangelical Fellowship) and served as its first president from 1889 to his death in 1917.
   Murray was a devoted follower of the Keswick movement and facilitated its introduction into South Africa. His many books are reflective of the Keswick emphasis on the higher life that is possible for a christian, and have been read internationally. Murray died on January 18, 1917, in Wellington.
   Further reading:
   ■ J. du Plessis, The Life of Andrew Murray of South Africa (London: Marshall Morgan & Scott, l919)
   ■ Andrew Murray, Andrew Murray Collection (New York: Barbour, 1994), omnibus reprint edition
   ■ ----, Believer's Secret of Living Like Christ (Minneapolis, Minn.: Bethany House, 1985)
   ■ ----, The Holiest of All (London: Nisbet, 1913)
   ■ ----, With Christ in the School of Prayer (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1953), various editions.

Encyclopedia of Protestantism. . 2005.

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